4.3 Introduction of Seven SBTs
In the FireDAO ecosystem, there are primarily two types of SBTs. The first type consists of 7 ERC20-based SBTs, and the second type consists of X NFT-based Community Behavior Badges (SBBs). They are minted in different forms and together form the essence of FireDAO community members' souls.
Introduction of FireDAO 7 SBTs
SBT-001 is one of the comprehensive statistics SBT for FDT holdings. It is mainly used for FDT lock information statistics in the ecosystem. When FDT is locked in different forms, the corresponding proportion of SBT-001 is minted. When the lock-up contract withdraws FDT, the corresponding amount of SBT-001 is burned in the same proportion, and finally the ecological income incentive right is calculated according to the amount of SBT-001 in each Soul Account. The core idea is that DAO is willing to reward users who have a long-term relationship with the ecosystem. The longer the lock-up period, the greater the reward weight.SBT-001 has a total of 6 distribution scenarios:
Mint and burn SBT-001 during converting FDT-OG to FDT;
Mint and burn SBT-001 during FDT seed round pool;
Mint and burn SBT-001 during FDT consensus pool;
Mint and burn SBT-001 during converting FLM to FDT;
Mint and burn SBT-001 during FDT lock-up mining;
Mint and burn SBT-001 during FDT liquidity mining.
SBT-002 is FLM exchange comprehensive statistical SBT, which is mainly used for ecological contribution statistics. It is used for the combined contribution of each full DAO member to the DAO. SBT-002 will be minted for every 10 FLM exchanged. In the future, DAO will provide special rewards for the holdings of SBT-002. The specific minting ratio of SBT-002 will be adjusted according to the actual operation situation.
SBT-003 is the FireSeed promotion performance comprehensive statistics SBT. When a community member burns a FireSeed to create a FireSoul, his first-level referral will be rewarded with 7 SBT-003 and his second-level referral 2 SBT-003, and the third-level referral 1 SBT-003.The specific minting ratio of SBT-003 will be adjusted according to the actual operation situation.
SBT-004 is the community governance vote participation integrated statistics SBT, and when a full DAO member votes in a community referendum, 100 SBT-004 can be awarded to count his community participation. The specific minting ratio of SBT-004 will be adjusted according to the actual operation situation.
SBT-005 is an FDT Liquidity LP mining comprehensive statistics SBT. The number of minted SBT-005s is determined by the number of LPs and the weighting system when LP is locked. In the case of current lock, 1 LP can be minted to 10 SBT-005s, if locked for 3 months, the weight factor is 3, and 1 LP can be minted to 30 SBT-005s. At the same time, if the lock-up period matures and LPs need to be withdrawn from the mining pool, the same proportion of SBT-005s will be burned according to the proportion of withdrawn LPs. The specific minting ratio of SBT-005 will be adjusted according to the actual operation situation.
SBT-006 is an FDT lock-up mining comprehensive statistics SBT. The minting quantity of SBT-006 is determined by the number and weight coefficient of FDTs included in FDT lock-up. If 10,000 FDTs are locked at this time, lock-up period 3 month, and the weight factor 3, then 30,000 SBT-006s will be minted. If the lock-up matures and FDTs need to be withdrawn from the mining pool, the same proportion of SBT-006 will be burned according to the proportion of FDTs withdrawn in the lock-up order. If the lock-up matures and FDTs are not withdrawn from the lock-up pool, the FDTs will continue to enjoy the benefit of the original policy.
SBT-007 is the various NFT badge statistics SBT in the FireDAO ecosystem. Every time an SBB badge is issued in the ecosystem, different numbers of SBT-007 will be rewarded simultaneously, as a statistical parameter for community users to comprehensively hold badges.
The 7 SBTs are designated as SBT-001, SBT-002, SBT-003, SBT-004, SBT-005, SBT-006, and SBT-007. Each SBT records different community behaviors and data statistics of each formal DAO member.
These 7 SBTs adhere to the ERC20 token standard and their issuance quantity is automatically minted and burned by the on-chain smart contract based on the community behaviors of each formal DAO member.
In the early stages of the FireDAO ecosystem, these 7 SBTs play a prominent role. As the ecosystem evolves, we will gradually introduce X NFT-based Community Behavior Badges (SBBs) to involve the entire crypto ecosystem in the construction of FireDAO.
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