5.3 Citynode System

On regional levels, FireDAO will be built by various Citynodes.

On regional levels, FireDAO will be built by various Citynodes.

In order to better link the on-chain identity and the off-chain life of community members, FireDAO has launched a Citynode system in particular. FireDAO Citynodes carry out various online and offline activities centered on cities. Anyone in the community who has more than 100,000 FID reputation scores can establish a Citynode, and each Soul Account can create one Citynode at most.

Those who meet the FID reputation scores requirement can first create a temporary Citynode. Anyone with a FID can join this Citynode. Only when the node's total reputation scores reach 1 million can this Citynode be activated and finally officially created. Each Soul Account can join up to one Citynode. Anyone can choose to exit the Citynode afterwards and the Citynode creator can choose to kick a member out of the node.

The creator of the Citynode automatically becomes the Citynode administrator, and this administrator’s authority can be transferred. 10% of the income generated by the Citynode is owned by the administrator and the remaining 90% can be used by all node members through negotiation.

The RainbowCity treasury has a fixed income allocated to the Citynodes that have won the Citynode competition, which are the weekly, monthly and annual ranking reward respectively, rewarding the top 49 ranks.

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